Friday, November 28, 2014

Thanksgiving time with Family!

For Thanksgiving, my family drove up to spend the holiday with us. Tim and I enjoyed getting all the food prepared and executed. Tim brined the turkey, which turned out delicious, and I branched out by making ham in a crockpot and also stuffing in a crockpot, which turned out great! Since Mom brought her delicious apple pies and famous rolls, we definitely had plenty of good food to eat.
The kids enjoyed sitting at their little kid table, and Selah was thrilled to join them for the first time. They also loved the sparkling cider that went along with their meal.

It was great for all of us (my parents--Ed and Sandy Wilhelm--and my brothers--Stephen and Jonathan--and my Uncle Mark) to be together. Since last year we didn't get together because of dad's heart surgery, it was special we were able to be together this year.

After lunch, the kids enjoyed the uncles playing Legos with them. I think the uncles had a good time too!

Selah even surprised me and at one point "showed off" all her words to everyone. Every animal, color, family member, food, she said. Mom thinks she said about 50 different words. Some cute things: she calls Hardy "Ha-Ha," all her "s" words begin with a "d" (like star is dar), and she calls herself "See-See." So cute! I was thrilled she did that for Mom and Dad.

Since the kids were sad to say goodbye to everyone Friday afternoon, I took them down the road in search of tumbleweeds; I wanted us to make a cute tumbleweed snowman, and was excited we found several good pieces. We brought them back and got to work: Tim got out his paint sprayer and painted them white (he said he was glad to have a good excuse to get rid of some cheap white paint he had), we put them on a pole, and then found stuff for the eyes, nose, and mouth. I think our tumbleweed snowman turned out so cute!
We had a great time; I am so thankful for all the blessings the Lord showers on my family. Hope you all enjoyed your Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Making decorations for Thansgiving!

The girls really wanted to make some decorations for Thanksgiving. We finally decided to make a turkey for a table centerpiece and a handprint thankful chart. Acarith especially loved the excuse to get busy painting the feathers (craft sticks) for the turkey.

Tirzah is the arts and craftsy one of the bunch. She really has a creative flair, and I always enjoy seeing her creations come together.

Well, this is what happens when I leave the room for 30 seconds! Selah, of course, wanted to get in on all the action. Fortunately, all craft paint in my house is waterproof, so I'm thankful for that!
I know it sounds kind of crazy, but I have thoroughly enjoyed Selah's toddler stage. She gets into trouble and can really make messes, but she really is a lot of fun. I honestly do love her adventuresome spirit!

Hardy also enjoys doing crafts. He's not overly fond of crafts like Tirzah, but definitely game for anything that requires paint! He actually switched to using a marker for his feathers, because he wanted to "draw some really cool designs on them." :)
Here's the turkey! Everyone really liked how it turned out. (By the way, aren't my kids adorable? I love this picture of them!)
We made a thankful tree with everyone's handprints. The kids enjoyed saying what they were thankful for and I will always treasure this. We are looking forward to Thanksgiving and just enjoying spending some time together as a family.
From our family to yours, I hope you all have a happy Thanksgiving Day!