Wednesday, August 5, 2015

First Day of School!

You know it's the first day of school when Mama takes lots of pictures! :)

Right after this was taken, Hardy ate a big bite out of the apple. I said, "Hardy, Acarith hadn't posed with the apple yet!" He said, "Mama, apples are to be eaten not to be posed with!"

She has waited for this moment for a long time!

Of course, I had to get Selah in a set of pictures too! She knew something was up and felt a little left out but still had a very good morning!

We took Tirzah's old desk, painted it purple, gave it to Acarith, and moved it to her own room. It worked out very well and her room was actually a nice, quiet spot to do school. It also worked out well for Selah; she just hung playing toys in Acarith's room and didn't feel left out.   

Hardy loved his new teacher Mrs. Chappell! He also got a kick out of what Tim did to the remotes; Tim taped both of them to a paint stirring brush! Seriously, it is kind of a pain if we misplace a remote so I'm hoping this system will work!

Tirzah got a "new" desk from Habitat for Humanity; it is really nice and she loves how it's roomier than her old one. She thinks it so cool that she has two teachers--Miss Dabbelt and Mrs. Lenington. She also loved writing with a pen in her writing class!

While Hardy and Tirzah did their own Bible class, I taught Bible class to both Acarith and Selah. The girls loved it and Acarith said it was like "real school" when I got out my Bible story flashcards.
Acarith told me she enjoyed spending the extra time with me and can't wait for school tomorrow! I know it's going to be busier with the three of them in school, but I think we're off to a great start!