Monday, September 22, 2014

Our Baby Girl!

Our Selah Joy is now officially 18 months old! I took these pictures of her in our front yard and she cooperated pretty well for the camera. I say she's our baby girl, but really she's turning into a little girl. You know your kids are no longer babies when you can travel with just a suitcase of clothes and a pack 'n play. :) A few weeks ago she even graduated out her high chair in the dining room, and now eats at the table on the bench right by her sister.
It's interesting to see how each of the other kids interact with Selah. Tirzah is the mother hen, always there to find the blankie in time of need or the first one to tell me Selah wants her diaper changed. Hardy loves to play with Selah and does for about a half an hour each day. He is goofie and can really make her laugh. Acarith is a cross between one moment being a responsible mother hen and then the next being Selah's partner in crime. Those two girls really get along great, and I'm so thankful the Lord gave us Selah to be there for Acarith.
Having a toddler in the house can be challenging, but also fun! I truly am enjoying Selah's stage in life. She is really into animal sounds and making motions for animals. She can moo, mew, bark, be a monkey, do the cutest bear, do a shark motion with her hand and make the du-nuh-du-nuh sound, and her favorite is putting her hands in circles over her eyes for a raccoon!
Her fun personality and mischievous ways have endeared her to us, and we are so thankful she is a part of our family. I know she's no longer a baby, but she will always be our baby girl!