Monday, December 12, 2016

Making a Gingerbread House!

About five years ago, I attempted to make a gingerbread house with Tirzah and Hardy. The gingerbread house kit came from Home Depot and turned out to be a disaster (the "house" couldn't even stand on its own without collapsing!). I told myself I never wanted to do another one again. Well, since Acarith really wanted us to do one, I bought a simple, pre-assembled house kit for $10. I loved how it came in "house form" and all the kids had to do was decorate it!
 Acarith decorated the front of the house. She took great care to make everything look great!
Hardy got one side of the roof and house, while Tirzah got the other side. Tirzah also made a wreath out of green fondant (that came with the kit) for the back of the house.

Selah's job was to roll out the fondant in the powdered sugar and also to squish the candies. If you know how energetic she is, you know this was a perfect job for her!
Ta-da! I thought it turned out so cute! I made the Christmas tree and remembered I had a bag of cookie crumbles to fill it in around the house to make snow. Honestly, a pre-assembled kit is the way to go. All of the kids had a good time making it, and I announced it would become a new Larkly tradition--as long as the stores continue to sell the pre-assembled kits. :) Didn't they do a good job?