Thursday, October 6, 2016

Hardy's Volcano Project!

Tim made a deal with me when Hardy told us he had a volcano project at school--Tim would make the volcano while I did the presentation board. Agreed! Tim took a cone and spray foamed it. Later they spray painted it brown and Hardy added finishing touches with another brown and red for the lava.

I asked Hardy's teacher, "Okay, I know how parents get carried away with these projects. How much do you want the parents do?" She smiled and said, "Just enough to help him get going and little helps along the way."
I drew a volcano in pencil on the presentation board and labeled the parts with color names. Hardy had a ball painting his volcano!! He did great! Later, he labeled the parts and added information on cards to put on the display. Hardy told me the funnest part about his volcano project was me and Tim helping and spending time with him.

Dressed as a Mad Scientist, Hardy gave his presentation in front of the whole school this morning. He was kind of nervous and so cute to watch!

Our whole family made it to the event. Tirzah sat with her class right in front of us.

I had Selah sit with Tirzah when Hardy's turn was coming up so I could take lots of pictures. 

What an eruption!! The night before, I had Hardy hot glue 3 rolls of mentos into two bunches. When he went to bed, I decided to make sure they could drop into the soda because they looked really bumpy and uneven. Unfortunately, his bunches wouldn't fit because they weren't very even. I took them all apart and re-hot glued them so they could be in two straight lines. 
For eruption time, Tim helped Hardy open up his 2-liter of Diet Coke, and all Hardy had to do was drop the two bunches of mentos into the soda. Ka-boom! It was fun!!