Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Your Family's Faith Affects Other Families

Ruth Ann's new Bible study called "Your Family's Faith Affects Other Families" just came in the mail today! The kids were all excited (so was Daddy and Mama!) as they looked at the books. Ruth Ann's first two Bible studies focused on one woman's faith affecting her family, while this Bible study takes it a step further and talks about the influence the whole family unit has on others. It is organized like the first two (with twelve chapters, each chapter word count is between 2800-3100 words, a main theme, four personal applications woven throughout, a prayer, and questions), but hones in on the important role of the family unit. Some families included in this study are: Esther and her cousin Mordecai, Zeresh and her husband Haman, and Deborah and Sisera's mother. Though you can't see it clearly from the pictures, the front cover is a picture of a dandelion with seeds blowing away, symbolizing our family's influence spreading throughout the world.
Tim and I dedicated this book to our four children--Tirzah, Hardy, Acarith, and Selah. They are gathered around Tim as he is reading the dedication to them.
Here I am holding up all three of my studies. We have done well, selling about 2,000 copies. This year we are hoping to step up our advertising a bit. We also want to eventually set it up to be ordered online, but until then if you are interested in ordering a copy, you can send me an email at rlarkly@juno.com. They are seven dollars each plus shipping and handling. Please pray that God will use this book and that it will be a blessing to others.

1 comment:

  1. Ruth Ann, I love your blog. Laurie told me how to find it! You have a beautiful family. I'll keep checking in, Tell Tim Hi for Brian and I. Congratulations on your Bible study!!!
